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What would your dying words be???

We all have our heroes from times past whom we give much honor and credit to. Sometimes it is due to their last words that they spoke...

…From what?

Most folks do not answer this question honestly and if they try to then more often than not they do it outside of context in order to fit...

Nothing but the what???

What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the birth of Jesus. Wait...that's not right. Let me try that again. What can wash away my...

Context is Key

"Past", "After" and “IF” are either overlooked or twisted out of context in order to accommodate modern doctrines. Context is key......

Did Calvin ever repent???

I do not have time as a new member to this group to read through every post and comment related to Calvin's murder of Servetus but I will...

It's getting a little tense in here...

Can a person, at some time, be sanctified by the blood of the covenant and then later not be sanctified? ..."was sanctified"...let that...

The Church...a Hospital for sinners?

Before digging into this, the challenge to the reader is to first provide scriptures that support sinners as being allowed in the church...

The truth is arrested at church!

It is a very sad thing when truth gets arrested on or near a 501(c)(3) church which is supposedly open to the public. 501(c)(3) is a tax...

"This is the day..."

What day does this verse actually refer to? This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 ...

"God forbid" or "By no means"?

By whose means? The ESV waters down God's word when it comes to warnings about misusing God's grace. With so many people gravitating...

Who or what shall separate us from God?

If sin separates us from God, and it does, then it should be handled seriously and addressed without compromise. If sin separates us from...

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